
俄罗斯科学院院士Sergey V. Streltsov教授讲学通知


俄罗斯科学院院士Sergey V. Streltsov教授讲学通知


应我院隋郁教授邀请,俄罗斯科学院金属物理研究所Sergey V. Streltsov教授于近日来我校访问,将于本周四下午举行自旋轨道耦合材料方面的讲学活动,欢迎校内广大师生参加。

题目:Tunable Single-Atomic Charge/Spin States of Intercalant Co Ions in a Transition Metal Dichalcogenide




Control of a single ionic charge state by altering the number of bound electrons has been considered as an ultimate testbed for atomic charge-induced interactions and manipulations, and such subject has been studied in artificially deposited objects on thin insulating layers. We demonstrate that an entire layer of controllable atomic charges on a periodic lattice can be obtained by cleaving metallic Co1/3NbS2, an intercalated transition metal dichalcogenide. We identified a metastable charge state of Co with a different valence and manipulated atomic charges to form a linear chain of the metastable charge state. Density functional theory investigation reveals that the charge state is stable due to a modified crystal field at the surface despite the coupling between NbS2 and Co via a1g orbitals. The idea can be generalized to other combinations of intercalants and base matrices, suggesting that they can be a new platform to explore single-atom-operational 2D electronics/spintronics.


Sergey V. Streltsov教授2005年在乌拉尔国立技术大学获得物理学副博士学位,2014年获得俄罗斯科学院理学博士学位,现任俄罗斯科学院金属物理研究所低维自旋系统实验室主任。Streltsov教授是国际上凝聚态物理理论研究方面的著名专家,在轨道物理第一性原理计算方面取得了突出的成果,在包括 Nature MaterialsPNASPRLPRXPhysics-Uspekhi等国际物理学顶级期刊发表高水平学术论文百余篇,2019年被评为俄罗斯科学院通讯院士。