应bat365正版唯一官网王先杰教授邀请,圣彼得堡国立大学Mikahil Zhuravlev教授将做反常霍尔效应方面的报告。欢迎感兴趣的老师和学生参加。
We investigate a set of anomalous Hall effects which differ in their mechanism. Tunneling planar Hall effect and related phenomena in two-layer system consisting of ferroelectric barrier with spin-orbit coupling and thin ferromagnetic layers is discussed. We demonstrate that planar Hall effect in this system is a size effect which originates from finite thickness of ferromagnetic layer and spin-orbit coupling linear in wave number. The appearance of charge and spin Hall current takes place in the barrier as was the case in ferromagnetic layer. Our calculations reveal that charge and spin Hall current and spin accumulation in the barrier layer as well as in the ferromagnetic layer can be manipulated by the reversal of electrical polarization of the barrier and by changing the direction of magnetization of ferromagnetic layer. Also, we demonstrate that under special conditions we need only spin-orbit coupling without non-zero magnetization to get anomalous Hall effect. In this case, we get essentially non-linear dependence of Hall current on the applied bias. We calculate the dependence of spin accumulation as well as charge and spin current on the direction of the applied bias.
报告人简介:Mikhail Ye. Zhuravlev现任俄罗斯圣彼得堡国立大学教授,长期从事量子力学输运理论和磁学理论研究,过去几年在铁电隧道结隧穿电致电阻效应,磁性隧道结隧穿磁电阻效应,纳米体系的霍尔效应和磁性理论等领域做出了一系列突破性研究工作,获得了学术界的一致认可和高度赞誉。在国际期刊包括Phys. Rev. Lett上发表论文80余篇,论文引用2000余次,多次在国际学术会议上做邀请口头报告。