应bat365正版唯一官网田浩教授、李立教授共同邀请,俄罗斯圣光机大学Mikhail Rybin教授将围绕微纳结构光子学开展系列讲座,并开展博士生研讨会。欢迎感兴趣的老师、研究生和高年级本科生参加。
Quasicrystal-based photonic structures are rigorously ordered but aperiodic systems and the theoretical description of their properties is relatively poor developed yet. The lack of translation symmetry enables many wave phenomena that are prohibited in periodic systems. Quasicrystal-based structures give more degrees of freedom for designing photonic systems that demonstrate novel effects. On the other hand, their rigorous order still limits the degree of freedom to a reasonable value. The aim of this talk is to review some recent wave effects observed in quasicrystal-based structures including the intrinsic light localization, complete photonic bandgap formation in low-refractive index systems and frequency-angular selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation.
During the last decade bound states in the continuum attracted an enormous attention in optics because it is a new concept for efficient resonator design. In this talk I will speak about photonic bound states in the continuum (BIC), including basic problems and tasks related to applications. I start with introduction to BIC and general questions on BIC robustness on structural disorder and supercavity modes in a subwavelength dielectric particle. Finally, I turn to the lasing empowered by BIC modes and switchable structures with BIC.
三、讲座主题:基于Ge-Sb-Te 的可切换超构光子学
Metaphotonics is a novel field emerged from interaction of optics, solid state physics and material science. It studies structured artificial materials for manipulating light waves. The possibility of post fabrication modification of their properties is promising for many applications. Phase change materials include Ge-Sb-Te, which has reliable stability and strong contrast of optical and electric properties in two phases. Here I review our recent research on switchable metaphotonics based on this compound.
Recent research on photonic elements, such as metasurfaces and nanoparticles, boils down to solving the scattering problem. This seminar will be dedicated to solving these problems. Using the example of composite Au Fe nanoparticles, the possibility of solving the scattering problem on a single element is shown. Using the example of a structure for generating scalar optical vortices, the possibility of calculating scattering on a photonic crystal will be shown.
Mikhail V. Rybin 教授于 2009 年获得俄罗斯圣彼得堡 Ioffe 学院物理学博士学位,并于 2018 年获得Doctor of Science学位。2010 年,他加入 ITMO 大学物理与工程学院,现任高级研究员兼实验室小组组长。他目前的研究课题包括连续体中的束缚态(BIC)、相变材料、准晶体、光与光子结构的共振相互作用、法诺共振、全介电超材料、光子晶体和纳米天线等。已在Nature、Nature Photonics、Advanced Materials、Physical Reviews Letters等国际知名学术期刊上发表论文100余篇。
Alexander Solomonov来自ITMO大学,已经是一位初级研究者并且正在攻读博士学位。他目前的研究课题包括连续体中的束缚态(BIC)、相变材料、光子晶体等,已国际知名学术期刊上发表多篇论文。