
俄罗斯高等经济研究大学Nataliya Pugach教授学术报告


应bat365正版唯一官网王先杰教授和陶玲玲教授共同邀请,俄罗斯高等经济研究大学Nataliya Pugach教授将做超导自旋电子学方面的学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的老师和学生参加。







Nowadays the interest to superconducting hybrids with magnets with noncollinear or chiral magnetic order continuously grows. Chiral magnetic order rotates spin of a passing through electron and works like a spin-orbit interaction in this sense providing a similar chiral symmetry distortion. We have proposed a superconducting spin-triplet valve based on a chiral magnet few years ago. It consists of a superconductor and a magnetic material, with an intrinsic chiral magnetic order characterized by a wave vector that may be aligned in a few equivalent preferred directions under the control of a weak external magnetic field. Re-orienting the spiral direction allows controllably modification of superconducting correlations, leading to spin-valve switching behavior. Now such spin valves and Josephson junctions attract a wide interest. The set of works of my scientific group devoted to the development and theoretical study of such superconducting spin valve. These devices include bilayers and Josephson junctions with a helical magnet. Static and dynamic control of such structures is studied. The last one based on magnonic excitation and relaxation was developed to not disturb the superconducting state. These spin valves have some advantages for applications in energy-efficient digital and quantum electronics. New experimental results confirming the spin valve effect in these structures also will be presented.


报告人简介Nataliya Pugach现任俄罗斯高等经济研究大学教授,长期从事凝聚态物理理论研究。在超导自旋电子学、量子效应、超导/磁纳米结构、非共线磁交换作用等方面,取得了一系列突破性进展和标志性成果。在Nature PhysicsPhysical Review LettersPhysical Review B等著名学术期刊发表学术论文近50篇,做学术邀请报告和论坛讲座70余次,参与撰写书籍一章。